In construction, civil engineers may work for a contractor to create the built environment, transforming engineering and architectural design drawings from paper to reality. They are involved in projects of every size and complexity from airports, bridges, and tunnels to local roads and the water and wastewater lines to our homes. The core civil engineering curriculum provides an excellent foundation for the critical thinking necessary to work in the construction sector. Additional classes in project management, safety, scheduling, estimating, and risk management are recommended. As construction is hands-on, early field experience is essential to building your career. Civil engineers in the construction sector are instrumental in building and maintaining the world we live in. Consulting offers a multitude of career opportunities in firms ranging in size from less than 10 people to more than 1,000. At smaller firms, civil engineers have the opportunity to work on numerous varied projects, design challenges, and management-related activities. At larger firms, they have the opportunity to focus on specific projects, design expertise, and business management, depending on the core competence of the firm. Whether at a small or large firm, civil engineers in consulting generally start with basic engineering evaluations, computations, and design, which opens the door to many career paths and flexibility to change paths if they so choose.
Every material data sheet of the material to be supplied to the project that has to be read by a quality engineer. Especially when the material is about to submit to the Engineer or Consultant, it must have to be reviewed properly because sometimes the properties of the material do not comply with the requirement of the specification, then that would probably be rejected and will cause a waste of time and eventually create delays. It might even better if you will prepare a comparison sheet before you finally submit the material to the Engineer. A QA/QC Engineer shall develop a method statement for the particular work on the site. He will make sure that it is submitted to the Consultant or Engineer and should be approved prior to starting the job on the site. The QA/QC Engineer shall prepare the method statement ahead of schedule for the jobs and consider making a plan for all the method statements preparation and submission.